作者:乔桥 来源:中美印象
北京时间10月20日,《中美印象》承办美国美中关系全国关系委员会组织的美中关系线上讨论会(National Town Hall)并在全国讨论会主旨发言之后推出本地线上讨论的发言人。全国主讲人CNN节目主持人和畅销书作者法里德·扎卡利亚(Fareed Zakaria),本地主讲人乔丹·施耐德(Jordan Schneider) 为荣鼎集团(Rhodium Group)的高级研究员,《中国问题》播客(China Talk)的创办人和主持人。扎卡利亚将从宏观的角度(从供应链到国家安全,新技术到气候变化)分析美中关系的现状和走向,施耐德将聚焦双边关系中的高科技因素,特别是中国政府最近对中国科技企业一系列新的措施可能给本来已经动荡不安的美中科技关系带来的冲击。卡特中心和亚特兰大中国研究中心(China Research Center)为这次线上活动的主办单位,“龙鹰卫视”是媒体战略伙伴。本次活动的主持人为佐治亚理工学院的卢汉超教授,点评人为卡特中心中国事务高级顾问刘亚伟博士。
CNN host and best-selling author Fareed Zakaria will be the featured speaker for CHINA Town Hall 2021, a national conversation on how the U.S.-China relationship affects our cities, towns, and communities. From supply chains to national security, new technologies to climate change, the future of both countries will be determined by their relations with one another and the global community.
Jordan Schneider is
a Senior Analyst at Rhodium Group focusing on China’s technological rise,
US-China tech relations and the impact of Chinese technology policy on the
broader economy Jordan is the creator of the ChinaTalk podcast and
newsletter, and is also a fellow at the Center for a New American Security. He
previously worked at Kuaishou, Bridgewater and the Eurasia Group. Jordan received
a master’s degree in economics from Peking University’s Yenching Academy and a
bachelor’s degree in history from Yale.
Hanchao Lu is Professor of History in the School of History and Sociology at Georgia Tech’s Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts and Director of the Atlanta-based China Research Center. A specialist in socioeconomic history of modern China, Lu has been published widely in leading journals in the fields of social history, urban history, modern and contemporary China, and Asian studies. His works have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. He has published eight books, three of which have won major book awards. Lu has been visiting fellow at prestigious research institutions, including the East Asian Institute of Singapore, the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, Tsing-hua University (Beijing), Humboldt University (Berlin), and Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
Yawei Liu (刘亚伟)is the senior advisor for China at The Carter Center
and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is also the associate
director of the China Research Center in Atlanta and an adjunct professor of Political Science at Emory
University. He is the founding
editor of www.chinaelections.org which went online in 2002. He launched the US-China Perception
Monitor websites [www.uscnpm.org (English) and cn3.uscnpm.org (Chinese)] in 2014.
来源时间:2021/9/27 发布时间:2021/9/27