朝鲜战争是冷战期间的第一场热战。中国直到1992年才与韩国建交。两年之后,美国前总统卡特应金日成的邀请访问平壤。卡特总统当时认为美国与朝鲜可能因朝鲜正在研发核武器而发生武装冲突。他认为美国与朝鲜应该直接就核武器问题进行谈判。21世纪初 ,中国作为东道主举行六方会谈。2024年是卡特总统访问朝鲜30周年,但朝鲜半岛依旧战云密布。3月7日中午,丹佛大学和卡特中心将在丹佛大学举办线下对话,由清华大学的达巍教授和丹佛大学的赵穗生教授谈朝鲜半岛的危机及美中是否有可能就化解危机展开有意义的合作。
The Korean War was the first major war of the Cold War and turned the U.S. and China into enemies. China did not normalize its relationship with Seoul until 1992, 13 years after it established full diplomatic relations with the U.S. Two years later, President Carter visited Pyongyang at the invitation of Kim Il-sung. President Carter believed the U.S. and DPRK were on the verge of war then and tried to convince the Clinton administration that the U.S. should agree to direct negotiations with Pyongyang to resolve the conflict. Early in the 21st century, China hosted the Six-Party Talks in an effort to resolve the crisis and achieve denuclearization of the Peninsula. Today, almost 30 years after President Carter’s historic visit, the Korean Peninsular remains one of the most dangerous places where a war can break out and turn Northeast Asia into a sea of conflagration. This talk focuses on how the U.S. and China worked together in the past to manage the crisis, why they failed to deescalate the situation, and what Washington and Beijing can do today to defuse the tension and embark on the goal of eventual denuclearization of the Peninsula.