
作者:Michael Szonyi  来源:北京大学中外人文交流研究基地

小 i 导读:国之交在于民相亲。两国的友好交往一直伴随着中美关系的发展。美国著名中国问题专家傅高义教授是一位长期致力于发展健康稳定中美关系的学者,也是最早呼吁中美两国进行接触的美国学者之一。2021年2月,国务委员兼外长王毅在出席“对话合作,管控分歧——推动中美关系重回正轨”蓝厅论坛开幕式时曾表示,傅高义先生直到生命的最后时刻,仍在呼吁采取理性对华政策,并参与起草《中国不是敌人》的公开信。傅高义教授为推动中美两国人文交流、增进中美相互理解和友谊作出了不可磨灭的贡献。为纪念傅高义教授,切实推动中美学者的交流,中国人民对外友好协会和北京大学中外人文交流研究基地共同举办了“傅高义与中美关系研讨会”,会议邀请了中美双方数十位专家学者,学者们在发言中追忆与傅高义教授相处的往事,总结了傅高义教授为促进双边平等友好交流做出的努力,并对中美关系的发展建言献策。

Michael Szonyi (宋怡明):哈佛大学东亚语言文明系中国历史学教授,费正清研究中心主任。


Let me begin by thanking the organizers, the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding at Beida for organizing this memorial. These are two especially appropriate sponsors of an event in memorizing Vogel, and I want to pick up on words that are actually in the names of these organizing bodies for my remarks today: friendship and global understanding. Mark Elliott has spoken already about Ezra’s role as a builder at Harvard. I thought I would develop those thoughts a little bit from my own personal perspective.


In the early 1970s, among the many projects that Ezra was responsible for building and cultivating and nurturing in the early 1970s, was a new undergraduate program, the concentration, or major, in East Asian Studies. This was a program that allowed undergraduates interested in contemporary societies in East Asia to focus on an interdisciplinary study, including language study, of those respective countries. Ezra served as the head of the concentration for almost 20 years. It’s the sort of job that faculty typically hold for 2 or 3 years and then pass on to someone else. And over the course of those 20 years, he met with every single incoming undergraduate student to talk to them, to learn about their interests, to make them feel welcome. As I said, he did this for 20 years, and I know this because in 2008, when I took over the job, he advised me to continue doing what he had done. (This was good advice, and I followed it). Faculty at Harvard are pretty busy by and large, and so this was unusual advice to give: to take a couple of days out of every year just to talk to undergraduate students. This was actually quite consistent with Ezra’s larger philosophy of life. Ezra found people interesting.I think this resonates with something that Steven Vogel said as well. And because his interest was genuine, he made friends everywhere. This, I think, helps to explain the outpouring of affection and grief and love at his passing a month ago from all over the world.


Another position that I also inherited from Ezra, was the directorship of the Fairbank Center, a position that’s now being ably filled by Winnie Yip, who we’ll hear from in a moment, while I’m on leave. I did not inherit this position directly, since there were other faculty members in the intervening “generation”; I guess I’m a “grand-descendant” in the sense that Mark Elliott spoke of.


Ezra served as the director of the Fairbank Center twice. I think he was the only person yet to have been Director for two terms. He held that role from 1973 to 1975 and then again from 1995 to 1999. In the first term, he led the Fairbank Center at a critical phase in its development, in which it transcended the person of its founder, John King Fairbank, and became, as Mark Elliott said, the leading center in the United States and perhaps even in the world for interdisciplinary study of China. In the second term of Ezra’s directorship, from 1995 to 1999, he established a number of critical aspects of the center, or reinforced those aspects, that continue to matter a great deal today.


The first is the importance of engaging with or bridging, to use Mark’s language, the world of policy and the world of scholarship, both directly through exchange of personnel, and of course Ezra served in government for a number of years, but also indirectly by contributing to political discourse, by contributing to public discourse, by serving as a public intellectual, by seeking to change the world through good scholarship.

第二个方面是与中国同行开展进一步的协作、合作和交流。90年代初期,许多交流被削弱,境况不容乐观,傅高义先生屡次强调重建联系的重要性,不仅因为这有助于我们成为更优秀的学者,还因为它符合更广泛的公共利益。欧立德先生已经讲述了傅高义先生为哈佛留下的宝贵财富,在这里,我想强调他对费正清中国研究中心的影响深远,他在这里留下了关于友谊、对外交流与合作的烙印。 A second dimension that I want to point to is the developing collaboration, cooperation and exchange with colleagues from China. In the early 90s, many of these exchanges were weakened and at risk for reasons we all know,. Ezra was emphatic about the importance of rebuilding those connections, not just because it made us better scholars, but because it contributed to the larger public good. Mark has already spoken about Ezra’s larger legacy for Harvard. Here, I simply want to amplify that his imprint on the Fairbank Center of Chinese Studies is enormous, and it is an imprint that is marked by friendship, by global understanding and by cooperation.

参加这样的纪念活动使我们有机会去深入思考傅高义先生是一个什么样的人,以及我们和他的关系。正如我之前所说,我觉得我们可以把傅高义先生看成一个传教士,不是说给某一个宗教教派传教, 而这是给对外交流与合作的理念传教。他利用教学、写作及其他的公众角色来克服误解、不信任和历史遗留的敌意。因此我才把他比作一个传教士,袁明院长刚刚称他为君子。我从第三个角度做比较,依地语有个概念,即 mensch。指的是一个很懂做人的人,很朴实的人。傅老师有时给人的印象是一位绅士、君子,我想大家对此都很熟悉,同时他又简单纯朴,像是一个“土包子”,一个 mensch。

Participating in a memorial like this gives us opportunity to think deeply about the person and about one’s relationship with the person, and I’ve been doing that a lot over the last couple of weeks. As I said previously, one way that we can think of Ezra is as a missionary, not a missionary of a religious faith but a missionary of an ideal, of global understanding and cooperation. And he used his teaching and his writing and his public role in support of that ideal, and to overcome misunderstandings, mistrust and historical enmity.


I have compared him to a missionary, Dean Yuan called him a junzi. To throw in another language, he was also a mensch. He sometimes gave the impression, I think all of us are familiar with this, of being, on the one hand, a gentleman, a junzi, but also of being a simple rustic, a tu bao zi. I need to be clear, some people may think I’m being rude, but I’m quite sure that Ezra would be very pleased and even proud to be described in this way. But behind this simple, rustic exterior, he actually had a very noble mission in his life. Several of the speakers have alluded to it. It was a mission that revolved around ideas like friendship, like local cooperation, like understanding, not just in the abstract, but in concrete practice, to address the challenges that exist between nations. We need to fulfill and be true to his legacy by doing our best to carry out that noble mission. I think he would be very touched to know that we are devoting ourselves to these memorials to him, but I know that there if were an email coming from somewhere in my inbox from Ezra, I know what it would say. It would say, “Thank you for these memorials, but please get to work.”

来源时间:2021/5/12   发布时间:2021/5/11




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