





《纽约时报》在报道这次会见时用的题目是“峰会之后中国对普京的战争的支持似乎出现动摇“(Chinese Support for Putin’s War Looks More Shaky After Summit)。约翰·霍普金斯大学教授拉德申科(Sergey Radchenko)对该报记者说,中国领导人的话可以解读为北京批评莫斯科没有尽到大国的责任,给全球带来了不稳定(China appeared to telegraph “a reproach to the Russians, that they’re not acting like a great power, that they are creating instability”)。人民大学的荣休教授时殷弘对记者说,这是近年来中俄领导人峰会后对双边关系最低调的报道。



















新华社乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕9月15日电(记者范伟国 刘华)当地时间15日下午,国家主席习近平在撒马尔罕国宾馆同俄罗斯总统普京举行双边会见,就中俄关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题交换意见。






Speeches by Vladimir Putting and Xi Jinping
Vladimir Putin:

Dear Comrade Xi Jinping! Dear friend!

Dear Chinese colleagues!

I am glad to welcome all of you to the meeting.

I would like to note that the Chairman and I met six months ago in Olympic Beijing, and many events have taken place during this time. The world is changing rapidly, but only one thing remains unchanged: the friendship between China and Russia, our good and in the full sense of the word strategic comprehensive partnership, and we continue to strengthen these relations. On the eve of the upcoming 20th Congress of the Communist Party in October, I would like to wish you, dear Comrade Chairman, further success in implementing the large-scale plan for the dynamic development of the Chinese nation.

Russian-Chinese interstate cooperation can be considered a model. The foreign policy tandem of Moscow and Beijing plays a key role in ensuring global and regional stability. We jointly stand for the formation of a just, democratic and multipolar world order based on international law and the central role of the UN, and not on some rules that someone has come up with and is trying to impose on others, without even explaining what it is.

In general, I must say that the attempts to create a unipolar world have recently acquired an absolutely ugly shape and are absolutely unacceptable for the vast majority of states on the planet.

We highly appreciate the balanced position of our Chinese friends in connection with the Ukrainian crisis. We understand your questions and concerns in this regard. During today’s meeting, of course, we will explain in detail our position on this issue, although we have spoken about this before.

For our part, we firmly adhere to the One China principle. We condemn the provocations of the United States and its satellites in the Taiwan Strait. We talked about this with the head of parliament, Chairman [of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Li Zhanshu], most recently in Vladivostok.

Multifaceted ties between our countries are actively developing. Last year, trade increased by 35 percent and exceeded $140 billion. In the first seven months of this year, the volume of mutual trade increased by another 25 percent. I am convinced that by the end of the year we will reach new record levels, and in the near future, as agreed, we will increase our annual trade turnover to $200 billion or more.

Tomorrow we are to take part in the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. I would like to note that after a three-year break caused by the pandemic, it will be held in person. Now this is especially important, since the task is to ensure the all-round strengthening of the SCO as a platform for constructive and constructive interaction.

The organization includes countries with different cultural and civilizational traditions, foreign policy guidelines and models of national development, however, building work on the principles of equality and mutual benefit, respect for each other’s sovereignty and refusal to interfere in internal affairs made it possible to turn this organization into a an effective mechanism for multilateral cooperation.

Today it is the largest regional organization in the world, which has united a vast geographical area and about half of the population of our planet.

I am sure that our today’s meeting will give an additional impetus to the deepening of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership both on a bilateral basis and internationally.

Thank you.

Xi Jinping (retranslated):

Dear President Putin! My dear and old friend!

I am very glad to our new meeting.

In February of this year, it was a pleasure for us to celebrate together the day of the beginning of spring and the opening of the Winter Olympics, and to discuss grandiose plans for the development of Chinese-Russian relations.

In the context of a global pandemic, we continue to maintain effective strategic contacts, in particular through telephone conversations.

In the face of the colossal changes of our time on a global scale, unprecedented in the history of our times, we are ready with our Russian colleagues to set an example of a responsible world power and play a leading role in bringing such a rapidly changing world onto a trajectory of sustainable and positive development.

I would like to take this opportunity – I am ready to exchange views with you on the bilateral agenda, as well as on international and regional topics of mutual interest.



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